
What is a phobia?

A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, a place, a situation, a feeling or an animal which might seem completely irrational. Phobias present themselves when someone shows an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation, or an object.

Having a severe phobia can significantly disrupt a person’s life, as individuals begin arranging their lives around avoiding their triggers. For example, I once treated someone with a phobia of mice who would actively avoid being home alone incase a mouse was present. Phobias can be quite unsettling and restrictive, making you uncomfortable in your own home.

Phobia symptoms

Sometimes just thinking about the trigger that causes the phobia can make someone feel unusually anxious or uneasy. When faced with the trigger, the person will go into fight or flight mode, and symptoms may include:

  • Avoiding a situation or anything to do with it.
  • Feeling dizzy and lightheaded
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trembling or shaking
  • An upset stomach

Types of phobia

People can develop phobias about almost anything, but there are two main categories of phobias:

  • Specific or simple phobias
  • Complex phobias

Specific or simple phobias


These are usually focused on a specific thing such as flying or spiders. They often start during childhood or adolescence due to a scary event, for example, a phobia of a dog might start when someone is a toddler, with a dog having jumped up at them while in a pram. Following this exposure, the person will develop a phobia of dogs. Specific phobias can change as you get older.

Common examples of simple phobias include:

  • Animal phobias – for example dogs, spiders, snakes or rodents
  • Environmental phobias – such as heights, deep water and germs
  • Situational phobias – such as visiting the dentist or flying
  • Bodily phobias – such as blood, vomiting, (emetaphobia), or having injections.

Complex phobias

Complex phobias tend to affect someone’s life more than simple phobias. They often develop during adulthood and are often associated with a deep-rooted fear or anxiety about a particular situation or circumstance.

An example might be agoraphobia which is often thought of as a fear of open spaces but is more complex. Someone with agoraphobia will feel anxious about being in a place or situation where escaping may be difficult if they have a panic attack.

The anxiety usually results in the person avoiding situations such as:

  • Going outside,
  • Being alone,
  • Being in crowded places,
  • Travelling on public transport.

The more a situation is avoided by a person the worse the phobia becomes.

Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, centres around feeling anxious in social situations. If a person has a social phobia, they might be afraid of speaking in front of people for fear of embarrassing themself and being humiliated in public. In severe cases, this can become debilitating and may prevent them from carrying out everyday activities, such as eating out or meeting friends.

What causes phobias?

Phobias do not seem to have a single cause, but there are a number of associated factors.

For example:

  • a phobia may be associated with a particular incident or trauma
  • a phobia may be a learned response that a person develops early in life from a parent or sibling (brother or sister)
  • genetics may play a role – there’s evidence to suggest that some people are born with a tendency to be more anxious than others

How do I get rid of my phobia?

Sometimes people have learnt to live with their phobia and may adjust their lives accordingly. Sometimes they may have made adjustments such as taking medication to help relax when boarding a plane or avoiding situations where they may encounter the subject of their phobia.

If you are affected by a phobia, the good news is that I can help rid you of it once and for all. Imagine being able to go about your daily life without having to worry about coming into contact with the subject of your phobia. Maybe you will be able to visit places you haven’t gotten so far. If you want to know more please do not hesitate to get in touch?

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