Year 6 Transition | Mental Health HQ

Exam Preparation (£100)

Exams are such an important focus for all secondary schools. Students will start to hear about them from the day they start school, and there will be constant reminders. These exam preparation sessions are a great way to boost your child’s success.

Why is exam preparation important?

A lot of focus on exams can make young people feel nervous. This will then in turn affect their performance on the day even if they are well prepared. Once their performance levels drop, this will affect their success. GCSEs and A-Levels are only a taste of what may come at university, so it is important to establish good habits early on. Some careers encourage lifelong learning so these sessions will give people the building blocks to success.

What will they get out of these practice sessions?

During the exam preparation sessions, they will learn how to manage their overall well-being. Often when under pressure, the basic foundations of sleep and diet can go out of the window. They will eat less regularly and stop socialising. Sleep can be affected as well. A plan will be made to look after overall well-being. They will also will learn how best to revise including picking the best time of day and breaking things down into chunks. They will get tips on time management if they are struggling to finish tests or getting enough preparation into an already busy schedule. Preparation is absolutely key.

Book your child in for these exam preparation sessions and I will help your child prepare for upcoming exams.

They’ll build their confidence to avoid anxiety during exams which can cause their minds to go blank. They’ll learn study tips, relaxation techniques and how to overcome exam nerves on the day.  We’ll explore lifestyle choices like eating and sleeping well, and their impact on wellbeing and success in exams. 

They’ll learn new ways to study effectively, and how to plan their study time so they don’t feel overwhelmed.

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